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How exciting to be having our first Sunday with Rev. Michiko as our permanent, full-time minister! Please join us on October 2, both in-person and online as we share in this ministry together!

It is also Communion Sunday and our special offering will be going to the  Paris Food Bank. This message comes from William Ratelband at the Salvation Army, Brantford, who operate the Paris Food Bank - "Dear Friends, This is just a quick message to ask for any possible donations for the Fall Season. Our Food Bank shelves are very low!  Most recently, our walk-in freezer stopped working and needed to be repaired. With this happening, we lost three skids of valuable product which in turn affects how we are able to support people in both Brantford, Brant County and in the Six Nations. Please consider donating non-perishable, perishable or frozen product." Both monetary and non-perishable food items will be gratefully accepted this Sunday at church. A poster with required items is attached at the bottom of the page. 

NEW! Coffee time is back beginning at 10:00am both in-person in the Robson Community Room and online too!

10:30am - our worship service begins. To access online click here. If necessary, please provide Meeting ID: 834 6263 6034 and Passcode: 570889. If you are calling in, using the same ID and Passcode, please call  1-647-558-0588.

11:30am - join us outside (weather permitting) to get a great group photo with Rev. Michiko!