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Dear Glen Morris Community, 

This week will mark the 4 year anniversary of this newsletter. What was once started as an emergency measure to ensure ongoing communication during challenging and uncertain times has now become a weekly opportunity to share the life and work of Glen Morris United Church. 

Four years ago, COVID-19 confronted us with the truth that our lives are interconnected as we felt a collective fear of the impacts of a virus for which we knew so little about. We saw that when confronted with the need to change, it was possible for us to innovate, alter our lives, give up conveniences, learn, adapt, all while making sure we took care of each other. 

For many of us, our faith was the cornerstone on which we made sense of constant change and helped guide us when making decisions and plans we never imagined having to make. We learned that our faith could help us make sense of unimagined futures just as our ancestors had walked their own journeys of ‘unprecedented’ experiences in their times. 

Four years onward, I invite you to pray with me: for all those who we have lost due to covid19, to all those whose lives and livelihoods were devastated by illness and all the chaos caused by covid19, for those who have contracted long covid and are dealing with the disabling impacts of virus every day, for those who have experienced conflict and loss as friends and family members have held differing opinions about how to navigate a world with covid19, may we hold all of this in our hearts as we continue to follow Christ in this world that has been forever changed. 

As we have been saying to one another for these past four years, may the peace of Christ be with you, 

As we shift our mindset away from the fear and scarcity we once felt learning to navigate covid19 and continue to ask how we can serve one another in the midst of a global pandemic, may the Peace of Christ be with you, 


Yours in Christ, 

Rev Michiko


PS - don’t forget daylight savings times this week!