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Dear Glen Morris United Church, 

Peace be with you! I’m looking forward to joining you for worship this Sunday at Telfer Place after being away for a couple of weeks. I’m so grateful that we have such wonderful people to lead worship while I’m away - thank you Jayden and Joel! 

Last week I was on a Study Week which culminated with a three-day retreat centered around the theme “For The Beauty of the Earth.” It was a wonderful weekend spent at Five Oaks Education and Retreat Centre with 19 youth and 4 leaders from across the GTA and Southwestern Ontario. We took time to learn about a number of spiritual practices, including labyrinth walking and nature-based meditation. We foraged for craft supplies to build an altar and spent time around a fire listening to Six Nations elder Suzie share about Indigenous culture, spirituality, treaties, and more. Dallas from Onkwehonwe Games taught us about Six Nations culture through games and sports. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed playing lacrosse! 

Thanks to a grant from Western Ontario Waterways Region and the collaboration of the Go! Project a bunch of youth were able to experience the way a retreat can help you rest and grow at the same time. It was really wonderful to see people building new connections which will hopefully continue to grow as we emerge from the impacts COVID lockdowns had on youth programming in the church. 

May the peace of Christ be with our youth as they bless the church with energy, innovation, and new ideas, 

May the peace of Christ find you this week, in gentle rays of afternoon sunshine, in the trills of birdsong in the morning, and in the acts of kindness and love you share with friends, neighbours, and strangers, 


Yours in Christ, 

Rev Michiko