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Peace be with you Glen Morris United!

This week I have invited congregant Tim Brown to talk with you about the PSP Icecream challenge! Here is what he has to share:

"May is PSP Awareness Month. PSP-progressive supranuclear palsy is a lesser-known atypical parkinsonism from a group that includes ALS- Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Atypical Parkinsonism diseases are often misdiagnosed as Parkinson’s disease because early onset symptoms mimic those of PD. PSP has approximately the same rate of occurrence as ALS… 3-6 out of every 100,000 people. But unlike ALS, PSP affects those in the prime of life–mid-fifties and older. There is no treatment or cure with an average life expectancy of 3-7 years. For more information on PSP you can visit, Coleen Cunningham Foundation (CCF) for PSP Awareness –, PSP-CBD Foundation –, or the PSPA.

As a lesser-known and rare neurodegenerative disease (even amongst 95% of medical professionals), PSP doesn’t receive the same support as other diseases of the same ilk. May is the month for all to come together to spread knowledge and understanding about this less-known, often misdiagnosed condition. By sharing information, we can foster a supportive community for those affected and facilitate earlier and more accurate diagnoses.

I created the month-long PSP & CBD Ice Cream Challenge on Facebook and other social media nine years ago to raise awareness about PSP and CBD – Corticobasal Degeneration. By posting and sharing photos of loved ones, caregivers, family, friends co-workers etc. enjoying their favourite frozen treat, we can build a more informed and supportive community. More support leads to more research that can slow down disease progression, offer effective treatments and ultimately–a cure.

Enjoy that guilt-free ice cream you know you want and help raise PSP-CBD awareness and support. Don’t forget to post your photos to the PSP & CBD Ice Cream Challenge on Facebook, including the hashtag: #thinkicecreamthinkpspcbd

Leading off this year’s PSP & CBD Ice Cream Challenge – Sweetheart Sundae." 


Thank you Tim for sharing with us! Not that I ever need a reason to eat ice cream, but this is a great cause indeed! I hope that you will all join Tim and I in raising awareness about PSP this May! 


Yours in Christ, 

Rev Michiko