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At the last Annual Congregational Meeting held in February 2022, the GMUC Financial Reviewers Deb Aitkin and Murray Pearson were unable to present their report due to COVID restrictions. They did however provide the report on May 18 which was then presented to our Official Board Meeting on May 26. The report is attached at the bottom of the page for your information. It was entirely satisfactory. The reviewers offered the thanks of the congregation to John Graham for his work as our treasurer and commented on his exceptional skill and competence in carrying out these duties. They did note however that John is the sole person authorized to deal with ADP for payroll and also with CRA for taxation on behalf of the church. They therefore made two recommendations: 

  • That a second person be trained and authorized to deal with ADP and CRA.
  • That for succession planning, discussions be started to consider the role and responsibilities of the treasurer.

The Official Board therefore approved the formation of a Working Group to consider these recommendations. I am pleased to inform you that Lyanne Lynch, Bill Coppes, John Graham and I have agreed to be members of this  group.  Since the role of treasurer is the jurisdiction of the congregation, we are seeking a volunteer to serve on this Working Group. Please contact me at the email address below if you would consider joining us.

Robert Williams

Chair Official Board
