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Holy Week greetings to you all!

As we approach Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday, I thought I would include an excerpt from last Sundays’ message, as we prepare our hearts and minds for Easter.

“How can you make room for Jesus as we enter into holy week?

Often (pre-Covid), when someone is coming to our house for a visit, we prepare something to eat, tidy up the place, perhaps put out some fresh flowers. We prepare our house.

What if you looked at yourself as a house? Is your “house” in order? Is there anything that needs some fine tuning or home improvements/updates?

How can you ready yourself to be the best version of you? What growing edges do you have? Are you living into your purpose? Have you owned your gifts? Are you self aware, and are you actively working to be better on the areas of further growth?

As we reflect on the cloaks and palm trees that were laid in the street as Jesus entered Jerusalem, I invite you to reflect on what it is you need to lay down at the feet of Jesus in order for your heart to be fully open, fully cleansed as we journey toward the cross together. Can you lay down shame, self doubt….anger, resentment, insecurity and have the courage to vulnerably name these things as what you need to lay down to make room for Jesus? “

May we continue to discern, reflect and pray as we deepen our faith and relationship with God; Creator, Son and Spirit.

I hope you’ll be able to join in our worship services this Holy Week.  We are also having a short Sunday School program on Easter Monday at 10:30am with myself and Sue Harkness.

Please see the event listings for zoom links for each service or event.
