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Dear Glen Morris United Church, 

Peace be with you. This week, I want to share with you a few pictures I have gathered over the past year since I have started paying more attention to mushrooms. It was Adrienne Maree Brown’s book Emerging Strategy that encouraged me to begin looking at nature as a teacher, gleaming teachings from the ways that plants grow and animals communicate. 

This year, as I have endeavoured to deepen my relationship with the land I am now living, I have been delighting in the magic and diversity of these plants that are sometimes edible, sometimes poisonous, and grow in so many different patterns.

In particular, I have been reflecting on mycelium, the part of a fungus that acts like an underground network. I wonder  what it means to imagine the church like a mycelium, a living growing organism built on deeply rooted relationships, that flourish when the right time and resources enable it to. As I wonder through the local hiking trails, each sighting of a mushroom has become a reminder of a deep interconnectedness that extends further than I can probably imagine. 

I hope in the future you will have the opportunity to admire a mushroom or two and reflect on the connections in your life that may not always be seen or felt on the surface. May it inspire you to treasure and honor the relationships (of may kinds) in your life. We are not alone. We live in God’s world. 

May the peace of Christ be with you, inviting and uniting you with a deeper sense of your connection to all of creation, 

Yours in Christ, 

Rev Michiko


Together in Spirit: Medicine Ties
Thursday, February 24 from 7:00 to 8:30 pm by Zoom
Stories and teachings of how tobacco ties are used to enhance relationship.

Tobacco is a spiritual medicine in Indigenous tradition and is offered when making a request for assistance or wisdom.

< - Painting by Martha Pedoniquotte

Join with Ishkoodeh Kwe, Sheila Robson, and Joyce Johnston, Minister, all from Neyaashiinigmiing, Cape Croker United Church in Wiarton, as they guide us through the traditional wisdom and practices of making and giving tobacco ties. If you wish to make a tobacco tie during this session, bring a piece of broadcloth or other cloth, scissors and tobacco (thin ribbon is optional).

 Click here to register


Truth Before Reconciliation
What is the Truth that people need to know before there can be reconciliation?
Thursday, March 10 from 1:30 to 3:00 pm by Zoom
Join the Tri-Regions as we continue the important conversation about reconciliation with Leaders: Facilitator, Dr. Eileen Antone, a member of Oneida of the Thames First Nations Turtle Clan. During her academic career the subject of her research, professional writing, teaching and field development has been Aboriginal knowledge and traditional ways of being. Dr Antone is a member of Oneida United Church. Elder, Rev. Dr. Grafton Antone, a member of Oneida of the Thames First Nations Wolf Clan and of Oneida United Church.

*click on a name highlighted for a bio

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