Dear beloved readers of Passing the Peace,  

How are you? This is just a friendly reminder that you are welcome at any time to send a response to any of these letters to - I’m always happy for this newsletter to be a springboard for connection. In just under a month I will be serving Glen Morris United Church full time! Until then, I am excited to be leading worship this Sunday and continue to serve you in my part-time role.  

I am mindful that this past week marked the end of summer for many who are returning to school and so with this in mind, I’d like to offer you the following blessing:  

Blessed are you who are equally nervous and excited to return to school 

May this year be filled with memories, growth, and adventure 

Blessed are you who feel the joy of stepping into a new routine and those of you who are struggling to adjust 

May you offer grace to not only those around you, but also yourself, while acknowledging the truth that change is always hard 

Blessed are you who are worried about your children’s health and safety

May those we trust to keep our children safe be empowered and resourced so that they can make the best decisions possible  

Blessed are you, teachers, administrators, caretakers, parents, grandparents, janitors, educational assistants, school counsellors, crosswalk guards, and every single person investing in helping children learn

May we teach this next generation with love, care, and joy.  


As you wish your loved ones well as they make their way to school, may the Peace of Christ be with you, 

For those of you who are not currently feeling the rush of “back to school” may the Peace of Christ be with you, 

As we journey into shorter days and Creation’s most magnificent display of changing leaves, may the Peace of Christ be with you,  



Yours in Christ, 

Rev Michiko