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September - back to school, apples and pumpkins, starting new activities, falling leaves, crisper air, fresh beginnings. 

I've always loved this month for it's 'fresh beginnings' and it will truly be that for Glen Morris United Church when we are able to meet, in person, and see our 'fresh and new' church, with it's addition and renovations. So exciting!

And in spite of what is happening in our world, and there are some terrible things right now, there are reasons to rejoice, to be optimistic. I'm sharing a video presented by Chris Hadfield that is more than a year old, but I think it speaks to the power of being optimistic in order to see and affect change. And as we head into a federal election, I think we could all use a little of that right now. 

Please read through the news and events attached knowing that there may be updates occasionally which would provide more detailed information and online links.

And we'll see you in September!


Karen Murray-Hopf

Communications and Media Chair