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The Glen Morris United Church operating budget for the 2020 fiscal year is $108,000. To the end of March the 2020 year is 25% complete and expenses are at 25.7% while revenue is only at 18.7%. This results in a current yearly running deficit of $6,469. The bank balance has dropped from $22,585 to $16,115. Continued donations are needed to correct this unbalance and ensure to ongoing financial sustainability of the church.

In light of the COVID19 pandemic, the Glen Morris United Church has suspended all services, meetings and social events. It will still be necessary for the Church to continue to meet its financial commitments during this difficult time. In that regard, a number of means have been put in place for members to provide donations to the church on an ongoing basis. These are as follows:

Mail or drop off church envelope donations or cheques made out to the Glen Morris United Church to the address below. Post dated cheques can be included and these will be held and deposited after the indicated date. Bank deposits will be made each Monday. Phone 519-740-7202 prior to drop off or for pick-up of donations.

John Graham, Treasurer Glen Morris United Church  

13 Centre St.

Glen Morris, ON

N0B 1W0

Register for the United Church of Canada Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR) program. New registration forms are available from John Graham. Changes to the PAR amounts can be made via an email to John Graham. The fund transfers take place on the 18th of each month. Monthly donations can be designated for General Account, Mission & Service and Renovation funds. Currently there are 15 church members on the PAR program with total monthly donations of $2,098. This method of giving provides the church with a constant revenue stream each month.

Make an E-transfer to the church bank account. This can be set up as a recurring monthly payment with your financial institution. The church account has been set up to accept E-deposits automatically, no question and answer required. You can indicate your envelope number in the message box of the bank transfer and if you wish, designate a portion to go to M&S or renovations. Through the month of March, the Church has received 8 such E-transfers. 
E-transfers to go to the following email address and John receives email confirmation of the deposit. This E-transfer direct deposit method is working well and other members are encouraged to consider it. The E-transfers can be as often as you wish but at least monthly transfers are requested.

The Glen Morris United Church website includes a donation button on it that connects to Canada Helps. Donations made by this method are receipted directly by Canada Helps and deposited by them into the church account on a monthly basis. Canada Helps has a 3.5% service charge per transaction so E-transfers would be preferred.

Keep safe,

John Graham

Treasurer, Glen Morris United Church