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Dear Beloved Passing the Peace Readers, 

Last week, during worship, I found out that we are a community of fishers! I love that no matter how long we’ve shared these stories from the Bible, or how well we think we may know each other, when we gather together something new can always happen. I wasn’t expecting stories about fishing to bring up so many fond memories of family and community building and I was equally surprised that fishing could bring up such a range of emotions from the sombreness of those lost at sea to the hilarity of fishing mishaps and misunderstandings.

Thank you for this perfect example of how important it is to read the Bible together and how important community is in our faith journeys. The first disciples Jesus called were fishermen but in time, Jesus' call would become one that anyone and everyone could answer. The lure of the Empire might seem strong and almost unavoidable, but our own experiences of fishing teach us about fishing for people: 

  • Just like the mysterious waters, our faith journeys are full of surprises that will challenge and delight us 
  • Sometimes the joy of fishing is about catching something we can feed ourselves and others with, sometimes the nourishment comes from time spent in nature and with friends
  • There are many ways to fish and many kinds of fish - the diversity of it all is such a gift

In the cold winds and on rainy days, may you feel the Peace of Christ warm in your heart. 

In all the ordinary miracles we are blessed to witness each day, may you feel the Peace of Christ tugging on your sleeve, inviting you to pay attention. 


Hope to “catch” you in a service sometime soon, 


Yours in Christ, 

Rev Michiko


PS - should we plan a church fish fry sometime?