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Dear Passing the Peace Readers, 

Happy New Year! While the snow arrived a little late for a white Christmas, I hope that you’ve been enjoying the winter wonderland we’ve had during this special time of year as we (hopefully) get to move a little slower and look ahead to the next year. Of course, there are always many endings and beginnings happening throughout the year. Our liturgical calendar started in December, heading back to school is a fresh start for many, our birthdays, changes of the seasons, and so many more so perhaps you haven’t felt inclined to set any new year’s resolutions. It makes sense that the middle of winter after an exhausting holiday season wouldn’t be the best time to start making changes. But if you were interested in making some new year’s resolutions, what should they look like as a Christian? Here are some thoughts to guide you:

4 Ways to Make A New Year’s Resolution as A Christian 

  1. Remember that you are God’s beloved and loved wholly for who you are right now, as this current version of yourself. 
  2. Leave room for grace. No matter how big or small the goals are that we set, remember to view your setbacks and disappointments from a place of love rather than shame. Imagine God’s love supporting you as you work at your own pace, as you learn by making mistakes. 
  3. Set resolutions that help you better love yourself, your neighbor, and Creation. If the resolution is about impressing others, making yourself smaller, or trying to achieve goals that ultimately don’t help you and your loved ones flourish - it might not be worth your time and energy. 
  4. Leave room for the Spirit to inspire your growth. You might be surprised where and how God is calling you to show up this year! 


As we journey into 2024, may the peace of Christ be with you! 


Yours in Christ, 

Rev Michiko