Dear Glen Morris United Church,  

When I was in my early twenties I got a tattoo on my ankle of a spiral. At the time, this simple design was meant to serve as my reminder that our journeys through life are not linear, and that oftentimes we are called to hold complex (sometimes competing) truths to make sense of it all.

Over time, I have appreciated this reminder more and more.  It is true that we live in a world with so much suffering and injustice.

It is also equally true that God created this world and pronounced it good. The sunrise dancing with all of its splendid colours is beautiful AND floods in Pakistan have left so many devastated and displaced. Tragic accidents can shake us to our very core AND we can be blessed by the kindness of a stranger by complete chance.  

As I come to the end of this week, I find myself thinking about this spiral. One night I’m witnessing shooting stars while the Grand River’s waters are singing to me. The next morning there is news about Eli Palfreyman, a local Junior B hockey player who died during a game in North Dumfries. I hope that you will join me in praying for Eli’s family and friends, and the entire hockey community that has been impacted by such an unexpected tragedy.  

For me, the spiral reminds me not to fall into the despair of what is bad and to resist the temptation to gloss over suffering with what is good. Our spiritual lives are made richer by the ways we invite God to be present with us, through the highs and the lows and everything in between.  

I believe this is part of what it means to be Christian - we continue this spiral dance, knowing that God calls us to tend and mend all that is broken and hurting in creation AND trusting that God delights in our joy and invites over and over to be witnesses of all the beauty unfolding around us.  

In the ways you are journeying inwards and journeying outwards in your faith, may the Peace of Christ be with you. 

For those of us finding strength in holding the complexity of it all, may the Peace of Christ be with you. 

For those of us who are struggling to see that fuller spectrum of good/neutral/bad, may the Peace of Christ be with you.  


Yours in Christ, 

Rev Michiko