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Peace be with you Glen Morris United Church!

I am so happy to be back in the Glen, harvesting tomatoes, reconnecting with people, and preparing for worship. There are some really exciting things in store for this next season of worship! I know that technically there are still a few weeks left of summer but the start of the school year and the few leaves starting to change colours has me concerned that perhaps not everything on my summer bucket list will be accomplished. However, there are many things I’m grateful for. I spent a week as a participant at AlgomaTrad’s Family Camp step dancing, contra dancing, learning how to play fiddle, and some basket weaving as well. I’m returning inspired (Celtic Vespers are in the works folks!) but don’t worry, I’m not planning on subjecting the public to my squeaky fiddling anytime soon. 

My partner Johnny and I also made a point to enjoy some local delights such as canoeing the Grand River and also saw some beautiful sights in Lion’s Head Provincial Park. I love wrestling with the Bible and exploring my faith with intentional study. I also love learning about the Creator by immersing myself in Creation and seeing what lessons and blessings emerge from a place of wonder. I’m looking forward to hearing where you’ve heard God speaking this summer. 

Yours in Christ, 

Rev Michiko

Photo: Michiko Bown Kai